No Harm Network


The No Harm Network encourages corporations to adopt, maintain, and enforce policies that combat sex trafficking. By joining the No Harm Network, corporations agree to take proactive measures to help reduce the demand, including:

  • Preventing reimbursement for adult entertainment as business expenses activities conducted with/at sexually oriented businesses

  • Deterring employees from visiting adult entertainment websites while using company technology

  • Incorporating NFNL into their Corporate Social Responsibility plans through volunteerism and financial contributions

  • Inviting NFNL staff to provide training and education to employees

Corporations that complete the four steps above will officially be a part of NFNL’s No Harm Network.

Sponsor an Event

Fundraising events help us reach potential volunteers and raise the necessary funds to transform the lives of teens, women and children. Events like our Annual Luncheon and MAG Breakfast offer opportunities for businesses to market their brand while partnering to end human trafficking in our community.

Visit our Events page here to partner with us through sponsorship.


Our volunteers help staff fundraising events, provide meals for members and be part of career day. For group volunteer opportunities email our Community Engagement Manager, Vanessa Garnica-Barker at

Visit here for more information on upcoming volunteer opportunities.


Have an idea for collaboration we haven’t covered? Feel free to contact us about how your agency or organization can work together with us to better our community.

Contact Priya Murphy, Chief Development Officer